Complete Windows Server 2016 Administration Course

Created By
Imran Afzal via Skillshare
  • 0
  • 14 hours worth of material
  • Skillshare
  • English
Complete Windows Server 2016 Administration Course

Course Overview

Windows is one of the basic operating system that every person should know if you want to get into IT.  Whether you are just starting your career or moving up in your existing IT field, you always have to start with Windows and this course will teach you everything you need to know about Windows 2016 administration

In this course you will  learn Windows 2016 installation, configuration, administration, troubleshooting, command line, OS tools and much more...  I have also included Resume and Interview workshop that will definitely help you get your  dream IT job.

I have been teaching this exact course in a classroom environment in New York City.  Please note 80% of my students who took this course got the job in Windows within months.  Imagine those who take my course only to level  up their career, how productive this training can be for them

Following is the list of topics I will cover in this course:

Module 1 – Understanding of Microsoft Windows

•      What is Windows?

•      Different Versions of Windows

•      Microsoft Background and Products

•      Windows Market Share - Everyday Windows

•      Windows vs. Linux vs. MAC


Module 2 – Setting up a Lab

•      Oracle Virtual Box

•      Installing Oracle Virtual Box

•      Creating First Virtual Machine


Module 3 - Windows Installation and Configuration

•      Different Ways to Install OS

•      Downloading Windows Server 2016

•      Installing Windows Server 2016

•      Adding Resources

•      Hostname and System Information

•      Windows Server GUI Overview


Module 4 - System Access and File System

•      Accessing Windows System

•      File System and Description

•      Navigating to File System

•      File Types and Creation

•      File Properties

•      Finding Files and Directories

•      File Maintenance (copy, delete, move and rename)

•      Files Operations

•      File Editing Short-Cut Keys


Module 5 - System Administration

•      User Account Management

•      Elevating User Roles

•      Monitor Users Activity (Task manager and command line)

•      System Utilities Under Accessories

•      Programs and Service Management (Control panel and services)

•      System Resource Monitoring (Task Manager)

•      Windows Event Logs

•      System Maintenance

•      Jobs and Schedules

•      Windows Settings

•      Server Manager Dashboard

•      Installing and Uninstalling Programs

•      Windows Applications (Microsoft or 3rd Party)

•      Windows Short-Cut Keys (e.g. Alt+Ctl+Del etc.)

•      Check System Hardware


Module 6 - Advance Windows Administration

•      Roles vs. Features

•      Adding Roles and Features

•      What is Domain Controller?

•      Domain Controller and Active Directory

•      Active Directory Prerequisites

•      What is DNS?

•      Active Directory Installation

•      Active Directory "Users and Computers“

•      Active Directory User Account Management

•      Installing Windows Client

•      Joining the Domain from Windows 7 and 10

•      Active Directory "Administrative Center“

•      Active Directory "Domain and Trust“

•      Active Directory "Module for Windows PowerShell“

•      Active Directory "Site and Services“

•      Group Policy Management

•      DNS Administration

•      Web Server (IIS) Installation


Module 7 - Windows Scripting and Command Line

•      Windows Batch Scripting

•      First Batch Script "Hello World“

•      Script to Automate Simple Tasks

•      Windows PowerShell

•      Windows PowerShell Commands

•      Windows PowerShell ISE (Integrated Scripting Environment)

•      Windows Management Instrument (WMIC)

•      Difference Between DOS and PowerShell


Module 8 - Networking and System Updates

•      What is NIC?

•      Enable Internet on the VM

•      NIC Teaming

•      Network Configuration

•      Windows Updates

•      NTP Configuration

•      File Transfer Methods

•      FTP Server Installation and Configuration

•      Sharing FileSystem (Samba or NFS)

•      WSUS Server Installation and Configuration

•      Windows Firewall


Module 9 – Storage Management

•      What is Computer Storage?

•      Type of Computer Storage

•      How to Add Disk

•      Extend an Existing Disk

•      Disk Cleanup and Defragmentation

•      RAID

•      Windows Backup and Restore


Module 10 - Additional Resources (Bonus)

•      What is IT?

•      IT Components

•      Facts about IT

•      IT Management Jobs

•      Resume Workshop

•      Interview Workshop

•      Post Resume and What to Expect

•      VMWare Workstation Player Download and Installation

•      Install Oracle VirtualBox on MAC

Course Circullum

  • Syllabus Overview
  • Welcome to Module 1
  • What is Windows
  • Different Versions of Windows
  • Microsoft Background and Products
  • Windows Market Share Everyday Windows
  • Windows vs
  • Welcome to Module 2
  • What is VirtualBox
  • Download and Install VirtualBox
  • Create a VM
  • Welcome to Module 3
  • Different Ways to Install OS
  • Download Windows 2016
  • Windows Installation
  • Adding Resources
  • Hostname and System Information
  • Windows Server GUI Overview
  • Welcome to Module 4
  • Accessing Windows System
  • Filesystem and Description
  • Navigating to File System
  • File Types and Creation
  • File Properties
  • Finding Files and Directories
  • File Maintenance
  • Files Operations
  • File Editing Short Cut Keys
  • Welcome to Module 5
  • User Account Management
  • Elevating User Roles
  • Monitor Users Activity
  • System Utilities Under Accessories
  • Programs and Service Management
  • System Resource Monitoring
  • Windows Event Logs
  • System Maintenance
  • Jobs and Schedules
  • Windows Settings
  • Server Manager Dashboard
  • Installing and Uninstalling Programs
  • Windows Applications
  • Windows Short Cut Keys
  • Check System Hardware (Device Manager)
  • Welcome to Module 6
  • Roles vs
  • Adding Roles and Features
  • What is Domain Controller
  • Domain Controller and Active Directory
  • Active Directory Prerequisites
  • What is DNS
  • Active Directory Installation
  • Active Directory Users and Computers
  • Active Directory User Account Management
  • Installing Windows Client
  • Joining the Domain from Windows 7
  • Remove from Active Directory DNS
  • Joining the Domain from Windows 10
  • Active Directory Administrative Center
  • Active Directory Domain and Trust
  • Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell
  • Active Directory Site and Services
  • Active Directory Group Policy Management
  • DNS Administration
  • WebServer (IIS) Installation
  • Welcome to Module 7
  • Windows Batch Scripting
  • First Batch Script Hello World
  • Script to Automate Simple Tasks
  • Windows PowerShell
  • Windows PowerShell Commands
  • Windows PowerShell ISE
  • Windows Management Instrument (WMIC)
  • Difference Between DOS and PowerShell
  • Welcome to Module 8
  • What is NIC
  • Enable Internet on the VM
  • NIC Teaming
  • Network Configuration
  • Windows Updates
  • NTP Configuration
  • File Transfer Methods
  • FTP Server Installation and Configuration
  • Sharing FileSystem (Samba or NFS)
  • WSUS Server Installation and Configuration
  • Windows Firewall
  • Welcome to Module 9
  • What is Computer Storage
  • Type of Computer Storage
  • How to Add a New Disk
  • Extend an Existing Disk
  • Disk Cleanup and Defragmentation
  • RAID
  • Windows Backup and Restore
  • Welcome to Module 10
  • What is IT
  • IT Components
  • Facts about IT
  • IT Management Jobs
  • Resume Workshop
  • Interview Workshop
  • Post Resume and What to Expect
  • VMWare Workstation Player
  • Oracle VM on MAC
  • Congratulations
out of 5.0
5 Star 85%
4 Star 75%
3 Star 53%
1 Star 20%

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This Course Include:
  • Syllabus Overview
  • Welcome to Module 1
  • What is Windows
  • Different Versions of Windows
  • Microsoft Background and Products
  • Windows Market Share Everyday Windows
  • Windows vs
  • Welcome to Module 2
  • What is VirtualBox
  • Download and Install VirtualBox
  • Create a VM
  • Welcome to Module 3
  • Different Ways to Install OS
  • Download Windows 2016
  • Windows Installation
  • Adding Resources
  • Hostname and System Information
  • Windows Server GUI Overview
  • Welcome to Module 4
  • Accessing Windows System
  • Filesystem and Description
  • Navigating to File System
  • File Types and Creation
  • File Properties
  • Finding Files and Directories
  • File Maintenance
  • Files Operations
  • File Editing Short Cut Keys
  • Welcome to Module 5
  • User Account Management
  • Elevating User Roles
  • Monitor Users Activity
  • System Utilities Under Accessories
  • Programs and Service Management
  • System Resource Monitoring
  • Windows Event Logs
  • System Maintenance
  • Jobs and Schedules
  • Windows Settings
  • Server Manager Dashboard
  • Installing and Uninstalling Programs
  • Windows Applications
  • Windows Short Cut Keys
  • Check System Hardware (Device Manager)
  • Welcome to Module 6
  • Roles vs
  • Adding Roles and Features
  • What is Domain Controller
  • Domain Controller and Active Directory
  • Active Directory Prerequisites
  • What is DNS
  • Active Directory Installation
  • Active Directory Users and Computers
  • Active Directory User Account Management
  • Installing Windows Client
  • Joining the Domain from Windows 7
  • Remove from Active Directory DNS
  • Joining the Domain from Windows 10
  • Active Directory Administrative Center
  • Active Directory Domain and Trust
  • Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell
  • Active Directory Site and Services
  • Active Directory Group Policy Management
  • DNS Administration
  • WebServer (IIS) Installation
  • Welcome to Module 7
  • Windows Batch Scripting
  • First Batch Script Hello World
  • Script to Automate Simple Tasks
  • Windows PowerShell
  • Windows PowerShell Commands
  • Windows PowerShell ISE
  • Windows Management Instrument (WMIC)
  • Difference Between DOS and PowerShell
  • Welcome to Module 8
  • What is NIC
  • Enable Internet on the VM
  • NIC Teaming
  • Network Configuration
  • Windows Updates
  • NTP Configuration
  • File Transfer Methods
  • FTP Server Installation and Configuration
  • Sharing FileSystem (Samba or NFS)
  • WSUS Server Installation and Configuration
  • Windows Firewall
  • Welcome to Module 9
  • What is Computer Storage
  • Type of Computer Storage
  • How to Add a New Disk
  • Extend an Existing Disk
  • Disk Cleanup and Defragmentation
  • RAID
  • Windows Backup and Restore
  • Welcome to Module 10
  • What is IT
  • IT Components
  • Facts about IT
  • IT Management Jobs
  • Resume Workshop
  • Interview Workshop
  • Post Resume and What to Expect
  • VMWare Workstation Player
  • Oracle VM on MAC
  • Congratulations
  • Provider:Skillshare
  • Certificate:Not Avalible
  • Language:English
  • Duration:14 hours worth of material
  • Language CC:

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