• 1
  • 4 weeks long
  • Swayam
  • English
Designing Learner-Centric MOOCs

Course Overview

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have become a popular avenue for diverse learners to upgrade their knowledge and skills. Instructors who are new to creating MOOCs tend to focus on the use of technology features to mimic their classroom actions. While it is necessary to be aware of the technology affordances, it is more important to focus on the pedagogy of how to use the MOOC features effectively to foster student engagement and learning. Hence MOOC instructors need a set of design principles and guidelines to create a learner-centric MOOC.In this course, we will discuss the Learner-Centric MOOC (LCM) model, and how to apply it to create effective MOOCs.INTENDED AUDIENCE: Teachers, MOOC creatorsPREREQUISITES : NilINDUSTRY SUPPORT : Companies creating online courses. L&D (Training) divisions in companies across various sectors

Course Circullum

Week 1 : The LCM modelWeek 2 : Creating LeDsWeek 3 : Creating LbDs and LxTsWeek 4 : LxIs and Orchestration
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Free Online Course

This Course Include:
Week 1 : The LCM modelWeek 2 : Creating LeDsWeek 3 : Creating LbDs and LxTsWeek 4 : LxIs and Orchestration
  • Provider:Swayam
  • Certificate:Paid Certificate Available
  • Language:English
  • Duration:4 weeks long
  • Language CC:

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