Learn how Microsoft safeguards customer data

Created By
Microsoft via Microsoft Learn
  • 0
  • 5-6 hours worth of material
  • Microsoft Learn
  • English
Learn how Microsoft safeguards customer data

Course Overview

  • Module 1: Learn how Microsoft implements organization-wide security and privacy governance to support the secure operation of Microsoft 365 services and maintain compliance with regulatory requirements and customer commitments.
  • Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:

    • Describe Microsoft 365’s core services.
    • List the elements of the Microsoft Policy Framework.
    • Describe the Microsoft Security Policy and related standards, requirements, and procedures.
    • Explain how the Microsoft 365 Information Security Policy implements the Microsoft Security and Standards Program.
    • List Microsoft personnel requirements and practices.
  • Module 2: Learn how Microsoft 365 identifies, assesses, responds to, and manages risks to protect customers and the Microsoft 365 environment.
  • Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:

    • Explain how the Microsoft Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) program provides a consistent approach to enterprise risk across Microsoft.
    • Describe how Microsoft 365 manages risk.
    • Explain how Microsoft 365 Trust identifies risks using a variety of inputs.
    • Describe how Microsoft 365 Trust analyzes and categorizes risk using impact, likelihood, and mitigating controls.
    • Explain how Microsoft 365 Trust coordinates with service teams to mitigate, monitor, and report on ongoing risks in Microsoft 365 environments.
  • Module 3: Learn how the architecture of Microsoft 365 implements security and privacy features to protect customers who use Microsoft 365 multi-tenant services.
  • Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:

    • Describe the high-level architecture of Microsoft 365 services and dependencies.
    • List the security principles built into Microsoft 365 architecture.
    • Explain how Microsoft 365 implements network, service, and tenant isolation.
    • Explain how Microsoft 365 protects its infrastructure from DDoS attacks.
    • Describe how Microsoft 365 maintains service, data, and network resiliency.
    • Explain how Microsoft 365 performs architecture validation to verify the security posture of Microsoft 365 services.
  • Module 4: Learn how Microsoft 365 investigates, manages, and responds to security concerns to protect customers and the Microsoft 365 cloud environment.
  • Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:

    • Describe Microsoft’s Assume Breach Strategy and Defense-in-Depth approach to security.
    • Explain how Microsoft defines a Security Incident, the federated model that Microsoft uses for Security Incident Response across the organization, and how customers and Microsoft share responsibility for security in the cloud.
    • Describe how Microsoft prepares to deal with security issues through training, testing, and knowledge sharing.
    • Describe how the Security Incident Response team detects and analyzes potential security issues.
    • Describe how issues are contained, eradicated, and how recovery is handled.
    • Describe how Microsoft incorporates lessons from security incidents into our processes and procedures.
    • Explain how and when Microsoft will notify your organization in the event a Security Incident affects your tenant.
  • Module 5: Learn how Microsoft 365 implements the principle of Zero Standing Access (ZSA) to protect production environments and customer data using Just-In-Time (JIT) and Just-Enough-Access (JEA).
  • Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:

    • List two different types of accounts managed by Microsoft.
    • Name the tools and technologies used to control access within Microsoft 365 environments.
    • Explain mandatory prerequisites for granting service team accounts.
    • Describe Microsoft 365 service teams’ privileged access management process.
    • Explain the process for using Microsoft 365 Customer Lockbox.
  • Module 6: Learn about how Microsoft 365 uses comprehensive audit logging and monitoring to support security monitoring, maintain service availability, and meet compliance requirements.
  • Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:

    • Explain how Microsoft 365 standardizes log data collection.
    • Describe how Microsoft 365 aggregates and protects log data in centralized processing and storage services.
    • List Microsoft 365’s retention policies for log data.
    • Explain how Microsoft 365 analyzes log data to support security monitoring and service health monitoring.
  • Module 7: Learn how Microsoft 365 proactively monitors information system assets for vulnerabilities, assesses the risks associated with discovered vulnerabilities, and remediates them in a timely manner.
  • Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:

    • Describe Microsoft’s Assume Breach strategy in the context of vulnerability management and security monitoring.
    • Explain machine state scanning and the components of PAVC in Microsoft 365.
    • Describe how Microsoft 365 proactively patches its systems.
    • List how Microsoft 365 anti-malware tools detect and prevent malware execution.
    • Explain how Microsoft 365 detects and remediates vulnerabilities and security misconfigurations.
    • Describe how Microsoft 365 uses security monitoring to detect and respond to attacks at scale.
    • List the attack simulation and penetration testing activities used to validate the security posture of Microsoft 365.
  • Module 8: Learn how Microsoft 365 builds resilient services to meet customer expectations in the face of faults and challenges to normal operations, maintains optimal service availability, and fulfills business continuity requirements.
  • Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:

    • Explain how Microsoft 365 services are engineered for resiliency, including strategies such as Active/Active service design, fault isolation, and reduced blast radius.
    • Describe the teams involved in the Microsoft Enterprise Business Continuity Management (EBCM) program.
    • Explain Microsoft’s Business Continuity Management (BCM) lifecycle, including ongoing assessment, planning, and capability validation.
    • List how often Business Continuity Plans (BCP) must be reviewed, updated, and tested.
    • Explain the test methodology Microsoft uses for BCP Capability Validation.
    • Describe how Microsoft 365 Services monitor availability and allocate resources using capacity planning.
  • Module 9: Learn how Microsoft 365 follows Microsoft’s Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) to build security and privacy into our products and services.
  • Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:

    • List the phases of Microsoft’s SDL process.
    • Describe the training requirements for all members of Microsoft development teams.
    • Explain how Microsoft development teams practice security and privacy by design.
    • List the automated tools Microsoft uses to find and remediate software vulnerabilities.
    • Explain how Microsoft enforces and tests operational security requirements using ongoing penetration testing.
    • Describe security and privacy review requirements for code approval and release.
    • Explain how Microsoft uses Component Governance (CG) to manage open source software.
  • Module 10: Learn how Microsoft 365 encrypts data-at-rest and in-transit, securely manages encryption keys, and provides key management options to customers to meet their business needs and compliance obligations.
  • Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:

    • Explain how encryption mitigates the risk of unauthorized data disclosure.
    • Describe Microsoft data-at-rest and data-in-transit encryption solutions.
    • Explain how Microsoft 365 implements service encryption to protect customer data at the application layer.
    • Understand the differences between Microsoft managed keys and customer managed keys for use with service encryption.
  • Module 11: Learn about Microsoft 365 privacy standards, the reasons we have them in place, and how they differentiate Microsoft in protecting and respecting customer data.
  • Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:

    • Explain Microsoft’s six principles for protecting privacy.
    • List key privacy roles and categories of data processed by Microsoft.
    • Explain how Microsoft uses Defense-in-Depth to protect data throughout its lifecycle.
    • Describe Microsoft’s data collection practices, including privacy notices, data handling, and compliance with international data transfers.
    • List examples of how Microsoft processes data to provide online services.
    • Explain how Microsoft restricts data transfer to third parties and provides appropriate customer notification.
    • Describe Microsoft 365 data residency and retention capabilities.
    • Explain how Microsoft destroys data when a subscription expires or is terminated.
    • Describe Microsoft practices for supporting a customer’s compliance with GDPR Data Subject Requests and Data Protection Impact Assessments.
  • Module 12: Learn how Microsoft 365 procures, monitors, and manages subprocessors to help protect data from unauthorized access and inappropriate use.
  • Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:

    • Explain how the Supplier Security and Privacy Assurance (SSPA) program helps Microsoft online services protect customer data and personal data.
    • List the types of subprocessors utilized by Microsoft and the access controls employed by each type.
    • Describe how Microsoft 365’s additional subprocessor requirements limit the number of approved subprocessors and provides notice to customers when new subprocessors are approved.
    • List subprocessor onboarding and ongoing subprocessor verification requirements required by the SSPA program.
    • Describe Microsoft commitments to protecting customer data and personal data when a supplier contract ends.
  • Module 13: Learn how Microsoft uses Defense-In-Depth to secure our datacenters against unauthorized access, environmental hazards, and other physical threats, as well as how Microsoft implements resilient architecture, business continuity, and disaster recovery to maintain the availability of our services.
  • Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:

    • Describe how the architecture of Microsoft datacenters contributes to resilience and availability.
    • Explain how Microsoft uses Threat, Vulnerability, and Risk Assessments (TVRA) to analyze datacenter risk.
    • Describe how Microsoft implements environmental safeguards to protect both Microsoft datacenters and the environment.
    • Explain how Microsoft uses Defense-In-Depth to physically secure Microsoft datacenters.
    • Describe how Microsoft protects and tracks physical and virtual assets in Microsoft datacenters.
    • Explain how Microsoft protects data stored on data bearing devices.
    • Describe how datacenter business continuity, disaster recovery, and resilience strategies protect the availability of Microsoft datacenters.

Course Circullum

  • Module 1: Understand Microsoft 365 governance
    • Introduction to Microsoft 365 governance
    • Understand Microsoft 365’s organizational structure
    • Learn about the Microsoft policy framework
    • Understand the Microsoft security policy and standards program
    • Explore the Microsoft 365 information security policy
    • Understand Microsoft personnel security governance
    • Summary and knowledge check
  • Module 2: Understand Microsoft 365 risk management
    • Introduction to Microsoft 365 risk management
    • Microsoft Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
    • Microsoft 365 Risk Management overview
    • Understand risk identification and risk assessment
    • Understand risk response, monitoring, and reporting
    • Summary and knowledge check
  • Module 3: Understand Microsoft 365 cloud architecture
    • Introduction to Microsoft 365 architecture
    • Explore the security principles of Microsoft 365 architecture
    • Understand network, service, and tenant isolation in Microsoft 365
    • Understand how Microsoft defends from DoS attacks
    • Understand Microsoft 365 resiliency
    • Explore how Microsoft 365 performs architecture validation
    • Summary and knowledge check
  • Module 4: Understand Microsoft 365 security incident management
    • Introduction to Microsoft 365 security incident management
    • Understand Microsoft 365 incident response phase 1 - preparation
    • Understand Microsoft 365 incident response phase 2 - detection and analysis
    • Understand Microsoft 365 incident response phase 3 - containment, eradication, and recovery
    • Understand Microsoft 365 incident response phase 4 - post-incident activity
    • Understand customer notification process
    • Summary and knowledge check
  • Module 5: Understand Microsoft 365 identity and access management
    • Introduction to Microsoft 365 identity and access management
    • Recognize Microsoft managed account types
    • Explore tools and technologies used for access control within Microsoft 365
    • Understand the prerequisites for service team account creation
    • Understand privileged access
    • Understand Microsoft 365 Customer Lockbox
    • Explore access control management during employee transfer and termination
    • Summary and knowledge check
  • Module 6: Understand Microsoft 365 audit logging and monitoring
    • Introduction to Microsoft 365 audit logging and monitoring
    • Understand Microsoft 365 log collection
    • Learn about Microsoft 365 log protection and retention
    • Explore Microsoft 365 log analysis and reporting
    • Summary and knowledge check
  • Module 7: Understand Microsoft 365 vulnerability management and security monitoring
    • Introduction to Microsoft 365 vulnerability management and security monitoring
    • Understand machine state scanning in Microsoft 365
    • Understand patch management and anti-malware
    • Understand vulnerability and configuration scanning
    • Understand Microsoft 365 security monitoring
    • Explore attack simulation and penetration testing
    • Summary and knowledge check
  • Module 8: Understand Microsoft 365 resiliency and continuity
    • Introduction to Microsoft 365 resiliency and continuity
    • Understand engineering for resilience
    • Explore Microsoft’s Enterprise Business Continuity Management (EBCM) program
    • Understand BCM assessment activities
    • Explore the BCM planning phase
    • Understand BCP capability validation
    • Understand availability monitoring and capacity planning
    • Summary and knowledge check
  • Module 9: Understand Microsoft 365 security development and operation
    • Introduction to Microsoft 365 security development and operation
    • Understand Microsoft developer security training requirements
    • Learn about security and privacy by design
    • Explore SDL security tool automation
    • Understand application penetration testing
    • Learn how security and privacy reviews support secure deployment
    • Explore Microsoft 365’s safe deployment process (SDP)
    • Understand open source security at Microsoft
    • Summary and knowledge check
  • Module 10: Understand Microsoft 365 encryption
    • Introduction to Microsoft 365 encryption
    • Learn how BitLocker encrypts data-at-rest
    • Understand service encryption in Microsoft 365
    • Explore customer key management using Customer Key
    • Learn how data is encrypted in-transit
    • Summary and knowledge check
  • Module 11: Understand Microsoft 365 privacy
    • Introduction to privacy
    • Learn key privacy terms and categories of data
    • Understand data lifecycle
    • Understand data lifecycle - collection
    • Understand data lifecycle - processing
    • Understand data lifecycle - third party sharing
    • Understand data lifecycle - retention
    • Understand data lifecycle - destruction
    • Learn roles and responsibilities
    • Explore GDPR
    • Summary and knowledge check
  • Module 12: Understand Microsoft 365 subprocessor management
    • Introduction to Microsoft 365 subprocessor management
    • Understand Microsoft subprocessor requirements
    • Explore subprocessor access controls requirements
    • Understand Microsoft 365 additional subprocessor requirements
    • Understand subprocessor onboarding and monitoring
    • Understand subprocessor offboarding
    • Summary and knowledge check
  • Module 13: Understand Microsoft datacenter security
    • Introduction to Microsoft datacenter security
    • Architecture and infrastructure
    • Risk management
    • Environmental safeguards
    • Physical security
    • Asset management
    • Data bearing device security
    • Business continuity and disaster recovery
    • Summary and knowledge check

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This Course Include:
  • Module 1: Understand Microsoft 365 governance
    • Introduction to Microsoft 365 governance
    • Understand Microsoft 365’s organizational structure
    • Learn about the Microsoft policy framework
    • Understand the Microsoft security policy and standards program
    • Explore the Microsoft 365 information security policy
    • Understand Microsoft personnel security governance
    • Summary and knowledge check
  • Module 2: Understand Microsoft 365 risk management
    • Introduction to Microsoft 365 risk management
    • Microsoft Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
    • Microsoft 365 Risk Management overview
    • Understand risk identification and risk assessment
    • Understand risk response, monitoring, and reporting
    • Summary and knowledge check
  • Module 3: Understand Microsoft 365 cloud architecture
    • Introduction to Microsoft 365 architecture
    • Explore the security principles of Microsoft 365 architecture
    • Understand network, service, and tenant isolation in Microsoft 365
    • Understand how Microsoft defends from DoS attacks
    • Understand Microsoft 365 resiliency
    • Explore how Microsoft 365 performs architecture validation
    • Summary and knowledge check
  • Module 4: Understand Microsoft 365 security incident management
    • Introduction to Microsoft 365 security incident management
    • Understand Microsoft 365 incident response phase 1 - preparation
    • Understand Microsoft 365 incident response phase 2 - detection and analysis
    • Understand Microsoft 365 incident response phase 3 - containment, eradication, and recovery
    • Understand Microsoft 365 incident response phase 4 - post-incident activity
    • Understand customer notification process
    • Summary and knowledge check
  • Module 5: Understand Microsoft 365 identity and access management
    • Introduction to Microsoft 365 identity and access management
    • Recognize Microsoft managed account types
    • Explore tools and technologies used for access control within Microsoft 365
    • Understand the prerequisites for service team account creation
    • Understand privileged access
    • Understand Microsoft 365 Customer Lockbox
    • Explore access control management during employee transfer and termination
    • Summary and knowledge check
  • Module 6: Understand Microsoft 365 audit logging and monitoring
    • Introduction to Microsoft 365 audit logging and monitoring
    • Understand Microsoft 365 log collection
    • Learn about Microsoft 365 log protection and retention
    • Explore Microsoft 365 log analysis and reporting
    • Summary and knowledge check
  • Module 7: Understand Microsoft 365 vulnerability management and security monitoring
    • Introduction to Microsoft 365 vulnerability management and security monitoring
    • Understand machine state scanning in Microsoft 365
    • Understand patch management and anti-malware
    • Understand vulnerability and configuration scanning
    • Understand Microsoft 365 security monitoring
    • Explore attack simulation and penetration testing
    • Summary and knowledge check
  • Module 8: Understand Microsoft 365 resiliency and continuity
    • Introduction to Microsoft 365 resiliency and continuity
    • Understand engineering for resilience
    • Explore Microsoft’s Enterprise Business Continuity Management (EBCM) program
    • Understand BCM assessment activities
    • Explore the BCM planning phase
    • Understand BCP capability validation
    • Understand availability monitoring and capacity planning
    • Summary and knowledge check
  • Module 9: Understand Microsoft 365 security development and operation
    • Introduction to Microsoft 365 security development and operation
    • Understand Microsoft developer security training requirements
    • Learn about security and privacy by design
    • Explore SDL security tool automation
    • Understand application penetration testing
    • Learn how security and privacy reviews support secure deployment
    • Explore Microsoft 365’s safe deployment process (SDP)
    • Understand open source security at Microsoft
    • Summary and knowledge check
  • Module 10: Understand Microsoft 365 encryption
    • Introduction to Microsoft 365 encryption
    • Learn how BitLocker encrypts data-at-rest
    • Understand service encryption in Microsoft 365
    • Explore customer key management using Customer Key
    • Learn how data is encrypted in-transit
    • Summary and knowledge check
  • Module 11: Understand Microsoft 365 privacy
    • Introduction to privacy
    • Learn key privacy terms and categories of data
    • Understand data lifecycle
    • Understand data lifecycle - collection
    • Understand data lifecycle - processing
    • Understand data lifecycle - third party sharing
    • Understand data lifecycle - retention
    • Understand data lifecycle - destruction
    • Learn roles and responsibilities
    • Explore GDPR
    • Summary and knowledge check
  • Module 12: Understand Microsoft 365 subprocessor management
    • Introduction to Microsoft 365 subprocessor management
    • Understand Microsoft subprocessor requirements
    • Explore subprocessor access controls requirements
    • Understand Microsoft 365 additional subprocessor requirements
    • Understand subprocessor onboarding and monitoring
    • Understand subprocessor offboarding
    • Summary and knowledge check
  • Module 13: Understand Microsoft datacenter security
    • Introduction to Microsoft datacenter security
    • Architecture and infrastructure
    • Risk management
    • Environmental safeguards
    • Physical security
    • Asset management
    • Data bearing device security
    • Business continuity and disaster recovery
    • Summary and knowledge check
  • Provider:Microsoft Learn
  • Certificate:Not Avalible
  • Language:English
  • Duration:5-6 hours worth of material
  • Language CC:

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