.NET Essentials: Working with LINQ

  • 3-4 hours worth of material
  • LinkedIn Learning
  • English
.NET Essentials: Working with LINQ

Course Overview

Learn the basics of working with Language-Integrated Query (LINQ), which allows developers to filter, sort, aggregate, and query data directly within C# code.

Course Circullum

  • Welcome
  • What you should know
  • How to access the sample code on GitHub
1. The Spirit of LINQ
  • Why build a query engine in a programming language?
  • Explore LINQ essential parts
2. Work with LINQPad
  • Why use LINQPad?
  • Initial tour of LINQPad
  • Set destination folder for course examples
  • Explore the expression editor
  • Explore the statements editor
  • Show formatted output with the Dump method
  • Explore the program editor
  • Run a subset of code
3. Key Parts of .NET
  • Implicit variable typing
  • Anonymous types
  • Object initializers
  • Collection initializers
  • Inline code with lambda expressions
  • Extension methods
  • More extension methods
  • Generic types
4. The Parts of a Query
  • What sources are queryable?
  • The Enumerable class
  • Learn how to use the Enumerable static methods
  • Learn how to use the Enumerable extension methods
  • Learn how to use the Query Expression syntax
  • What sources revisited
  • Deferred execution: When does the query run?
  • Combine methods with execution pipelines
  • Combine extension methods and query expressions
5. Generate
  • The Empty and DefaultIfEmpty methods
  • The Repeat method
  • The Range method
6. Basics
  • The three types of query expressions
  • Review query expression clauses
  • Examples of three query expressions
  • The select clause
  • Learn how to use select to project into another type
  • Select into anonymous type
  • Learn how to use expressions with select
  • Challenge: Write select expressions
  • Solution: Write select expressions
  • Index into another sequence
7. Filtering
  • The Where method
  • Learn how to use logical operators with the Where method
  • Explore the OfType class definitions
  • The OfType method
  • Challenge: Filter results with Where
  • Solution: Filter results with Where
8. Aggregation
  • Sum, Average, and other aggregates
  • Create custom aggregates
9. Groups and Other Stuff
  • The GroupBy method
  • GroupBy query expression
  • GroupBy with ElementSelector
  • GroupBy with ResultSelector
  • Iterate over groups
  • Combine two sequences
  • Flatten sequence with SelectMany
  • Challenge: Group results by color values
  • Solution: Group results by color values
10. Element Operations
  • First and Last methods
  • The FirstOrDefault method
  • The ElementAt method
  • Single and SingleOrDefault methods
11. Set Operations
  • The Distinct method
  • The Intersect method
  • The Union method
  • The Except method
  • Find duplicate values
12. Quantify Data
  • Learn how to use the Any method to detect empty sequence
  • Learn how to use Any method to determine if element exists
  • The Contains method
  • The All method
13. Partition
  • Skip and Take methods
  • Conditional Skip and Take methods
14. Other
  • Learn how to use LINQ in a .NET application
  • Learn how to use MoreLinq for extended query syntax
  • Additional MoreLinq examples
Continue Your Journey
  • Next steps
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This Course Include:
  • Welcome
  • What you should know
  • How to access the sample code on GitHub
1. The Spirit of LINQ
  • Why build a query engine in a programming language?
  • Explore LINQ essential parts
2. Work with LINQPad
  • Why use LINQPad?
  • Initial tour of LINQPad
  • Set destination folder for course examples
  • Explore the expression editor
  • Explore the statements editor
  • Show formatted output with the Dump method
  • Explore the program editor
  • Run a subset of code
3. Key Parts of .NET
  • Implicit variable typing
  • Anonymous types
  • Object initializers
  • Collection initializers
  • Inline code with lambda expressions
  • Extension methods
  • More extension methods
  • Generic types
4. The Parts of a Query
  • What sources are queryable?
  • The Enumerable class
  • Learn how to use the Enumerable static methods
  • Learn how to use the Enumerable extension methods
  • Learn how to use the Query Expression syntax
  • What sources revisited
  • Deferred execution: When does the query run?
  • Combine methods with execution pipelines
  • Combine extension methods and query expressions
5. Generate
  • The Empty and DefaultIfEmpty methods
  • The Repeat method
  • The Range method
6. Basics
  • The three types of query expressions
  • Review query expression clauses
  • Examples of three query expressions
  • The select clause
  • Learn how to use select to project into another type
  • Select into anonymous type
  • Learn how to use expressions with select
  • Challenge: Write select expressions
  • Solution: Write select expressions
  • Index into another sequence
7. Filtering
  • The Where method
  • Learn how to use logical operators with the Where method
  • Explore the OfType class definitions
  • The OfType method
  • Challenge: Filter results with Where
  • Solution: Filter results with Where
8. Aggregation
  • Sum, Average, and other aggregates
  • Create custom aggregates
9. Groups and Other Stuff
  • The GroupBy method
  • GroupBy query expression
  • GroupBy with ElementSelector
  • GroupBy with ResultSelector
  • Iterate over groups
  • Combine two sequences
  • Flatten sequence with SelectMany
  • Challenge: Group results by color values
  • Solution: Group results by color values
10. Element Operations
  • First and Last methods
  • The FirstOrDefault method
  • The ElementAt method
  • Single and SingleOrDefault methods
11. Set Operations
  • The Distinct method
  • The Intersect method
  • The Union method
  • The Except method
  • Find duplicate values
12. Quantify Data
  • Learn how to use the Any method to detect empty sequence
  • Learn how to use Any method to determine if element exists
  • The Contains method
  • The All method
13. Partition
  • Skip and Take methods
  • Conditional Skip and Take methods
14. Other
  • Learn how to use LINQ in a .NET application
  • Learn how to use MoreLinq for extended query syntax
  • Additional MoreLinq examples
Continue Your Journey
  • Next steps
  • Provider:LinkedIn Learning
  • Certificate:Certificate Available
  • Language:English
  • Duration:3-4 hours worth of material
  • Language CC:

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