Organizational Behaviour

Created By
Dr.Nilam Panchal via Swayam
  • 0
  • 12 weeks long
  • Swayam
  • English
Organizational Behaviour

Course Overview

Work is an inherent part of human behaviour. Most adults spend at least 30 percent of their life time in their work place and/or in work related activities. Like in any other context, human behaviour in the organizational and work context is a complex phenomenon. Individual behaviour at work is a result of interaction between various individual, group and organizational level factors. Understanding how individuals and groups behave at work place will not only help improve their effectiveness but also nurture the quality of work life of the individuals. This course will help students to be cognizant of these work place dynamics so that they make conscious decisions in their future work life as well as long term career. INTENDED AUDIENCE :Work professionals, MBA students, BTech students, MSc. Psychology studentsPREREQUISITES :Undergraduate degree in any discipline INDUSTRIES SUPPORT :Almost all organizational would prefer to have their employees undergo this course

Course Circullum

Week 1 : Introduction – a) defining organization, behavior and organizational behavior, b) assumptions of OB, c) principles of OB, d) levels of OB, e) scope of OB, f) OB and Human Resource Management, g) Applications of OB, h) Historical developments of OB, i) emerging concerns Week 2 : Perception and Learning – a) understanding perception, b)Basic elements of perception, c) Principles of perceptual selection, d) Perceptual grouping, e) Social Perception, f) Self-perception and identity, g) attribution of causality, h) Perceptual biases in social perception, i) Implications for human resource management, j) defining learning, k) classical and operant conditioning l) learning in organizationsWeek 3 : Personality – a) Defining Personality, b)History of the concept, c) Key assumptions, d) biological and social determinants, e)Theories – Intrapsychic theory, social learning theory, self-theory, Trait and type theories f) Related concepts (locus of control, dogmatism, authoritarianism, Machiavellianism), g) measuring personality. Week 4 : Attitudes – a) Definition, b)Key elements of attitudes, c)Attitudes and related concepts (Values, opinion, belief and ideology), e) Characteristics of attitudes, f) Attitude formation, g) Attitude measurement, h) Changing attitudes, i) Attitudes at workplace (job satisfaction, work attitude and organizational commitment), j) Prejudice and discrimination at workspace.
Week 5 : Emotions in workplace - a) Definition, b) Types of emotions, c) Related concepts (mood, temperament), d) Stress in workplace, e) General Adaptation Syndrome, f) Managing Stress, g) Psychosomatic disorders and stress h) emotional labor and emotional contagion. Week 6 : Motivation – a) Definition, b) Process of motivation, c) Types of motives, d) Motivators at workplace, e) Motivation theories (Process and Content theories)Week 7 : Interpersonal Dynamics – a) Definition, b)Psychological Contract, c) Trust and trust building, d) Prosocial behavior, e) Cooperation Vs Competition f) Conflict management, g) Levels and types of conflict at workplace, h) Conflict management Styles, i) Managing NegotiationsWeek 8 : Power and Leadership - a) Defining Power, b) Sources of Power, c) Organizational politics, d) Leadership e) Managers Vs Leaders, f) Trait and Type approach to leadership g) Leadership style, h) Leadership Grid, i) Contingency Theories j) Contemporary issues
Week 9 : Team Dynamics – a) Groups and Teams, b) Types of Teams, c) Stages in group development, d) problems in team work (Free riding, social loafing, group think), e) Cross-cultural virtual teams.Week 10 : Organizational culture – a) Defining culture, b) levels of culture, c) cultural dimensions, d) high and low context cultures, e) Strong and weak organizational cultures, f) Expressions of organizational culture, g) Impact of culture on individuals, h) Organizational cultural changeWeek 11 : Organization Change – a) Change in Organizations, b)Nature of the chance process, c) Types of chance, d) Impact of change, e) Managing resistance to change, f) Organizational Development interventions Week 12 : Organizational Structure and Design – a) Basic dimensions of structure, b) Departmentalization, c) Organizational life cycle, d) Organizations as socio-technical systems, e) Organizational design and its impact on employees, f) Organizational boundary spanning
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This Course Include:
Week 1 : Introduction – a) defining organization, behavior and organizational behavior, b) assumptions of OB, c) principles of OB, d) levels of OB, e) scope of OB, f) OB and Human Resource Management, g) Applications of OB, h) Historical developments of OB, i) emerging concerns Week 2 : Perception and Learning – a) understanding perception, b)Basic elements of perception, c) Principles of perceptual selection, d) Perceptual grouping, e) Social Perception, f) Self-perception and identity, g) attribution of causality, h) Perceptual biases in social perception, i) Implications for human resource management, j) defining learning, k) classical and operant conditioning l) learning in organizationsWeek 3 : Personality – a) Defining Personality, b)History of the concept, c) Key assumptions, d) biological and social determinants, e)Theories – Intrapsychic theory, social learning theory, self-theory, Trait and type theories f) Related concepts (locus of control, dogmatism, authoritarianism, Machiavellianism), g) measuring personality. Week 4 : Attitudes – a) Definition, b)Key elements of attitudes, c)Attitudes and related concepts (Values, opinion, belief and ideology), e) Characteristics of attitudes, f) Attitude formation, g) Attitude measurement, h) Changing attitudes, i) Attitudes at workplace (job satisfaction, work attitude and organizational commitment), j) Prejudice and discrimination at workspace.
Week 5 : Emotions in workplace - a) Definition, b) Types of emotions, c) Related concepts (mood, temperament), d) Stress in workplace, e) General Adaptation Syndrome, f) Managing Stress, g) Psychosomatic disorders and stress h) emotional labor and emotional contagion. Week 6 : Motivation – a) Definition, b) Process of motivation, c) Types of motives, d) Motivators at workplace, e) Motivation theories (Process and Content theories)Week 7 : Interpersonal Dynamics – a) Definition, b)Psychological Contract, c) Trust and trust building, d) Prosocial behavior, e) Cooperation Vs Competition f) Conflict management, g) Levels and types of conflict at workplace, h) Conflict management Styles, i) Managing NegotiationsWeek 8 : Power and Leadership - a) Defining Power, b) Sources of Power, c) Organizational politics, d) Leadership e) Managers Vs Leaders, f) Trait and Type approach to leadership g) Leadership style, h) Leadership Grid, i) Contingency Theories j) Contemporary issues
Week 9 : Team Dynamics – a) Groups and Teams, b) Types of Teams, c) Stages in group development, d) problems in team work (Free riding, social loafing, group think), e) Cross-cultural virtual teams.Week 10 : Organizational culture – a) Defining culture, b) levels of culture, c) cultural dimensions, d) high and low context cultures, e) Strong and weak organizational cultures, f) Expressions of organizational culture, g) Impact of culture on individuals, h) Organizational cultural changeWeek 11 : Organization Change – a) Change in Organizations, b)Nature of the chance process, c) Types of chance, d) Impact of change, e) Managing resistance to change, f) Organizational Development interventions Week 12 : Organizational Structure and Design – a) Basic dimensions of structure, b) Departmentalization, c) Organizational life cycle, d) Organizations as socio-technical systems, e) Organizational design and its impact on employees, f) Organizational boundary spanning
  • Provider:Swayam
  • Certificate:Paid Certificate Available
  • Language:English
  • Duration:12 weeks long
  • Language CC:

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