Organometallic Chemistry

Created By
Debabrata Maiti via Swayam
  • 0
  • 4 weeks long
  • Swayam
  • English
Organometallic Chemistry

Course Overview

The basic principles of organometallic chemistry will be discussed in this course. The modern chemistry is merged into one from classical organic chemistry and traditional inorganic chemistry. We will shed light on activation of small molecule by metal-ligand complex. We will discuss the stepwise mechanism of insertion of metal into organic molecules and elimination by different pathway. Only catalytic amount of metal can produce the large number of molecules those include drug, natural products, pharmaceuticals, our daily needs, etc. in gigantic quantity. INTENDED AUDIENCE:Students, PhD scholars, teachers, industryPREREQUISITES : NilINDUSTRY SUPPORT :All Pharmaceutical Industries

Course Circullum

Week 1:

Lecture 1: Introduction of Organometallic Chemistry
Lecture 2: Counting of Electrons
Lecture 3: Ligand Substitution Reactions
Lecture 4: Oxidative Addition [1.Concerted Mechanism]
Lecture 5: Oxidative Addition[2.SN2 Mechanism]

Week 2:

Lecture 6: Oxidative Addition[3.Radical Mechanism]
Lecture 7: Reductive Elimination
Lecture 8: Migratory Insertion & Elimination Reactions
Lecture 9: Migration & Insertion Reactions
Lecture 10: Alpha-Migratory Insertion & Alpha-Elimination Reactions

Week 3:

Lecture 11: Beta-Migratory Insertion
Lecture 12: Beta-Elimination Reaction
Lecture 13: Alpha-Abstraction & Beta-Abstraction
Lecture 14: 4-Center Reactions [2+2] Reactions
Lecture 15: External Attack by a Ligand & Reductive Coupling

Week 4:

Lecture 16: Hydrogenation Reaction
Lecture 17: Hydrogenation Reaction [Dihydride Catalyst]
Lecture 18: Stereoselective Hydrogenation Reaction
Lecture 19: Carbonylation Reaction [1.Monsanto Acetic Acid Process 2.Hydroformylation 3.Hydrocarboxylation]
Lecture 20: Carbonylation Reaction [1.Hydroformylation 2.Hydrocarboxylation 3.Hydrocyanation]

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5 Star 85%
4 Star 75%
3 Star 53%
1 Star 20%

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Free Online Course

This Course Include:
Week 1:

Lecture 1: Introduction of Organometallic Chemistry
Lecture 2: Counting of Electrons
Lecture 3: Ligand Substitution Reactions
Lecture 4: Oxidative Addition [1.Concerted Mechanism]
Lecture 5: Oxidative Addition[2.SN2 Mechanism]

Week 2:

Lecture 6: Oxidative Addition[3.Radical Mechanism]
Lecture 7: Reductive Elimination
Lecture 8: Migratory Insertion & Elimination Reactions
Lecture 9: Migration & Insertion Reactions
Lecture 10: Alpha-Migratory Insertion & Alpha-Elimination Reactions

Week 3:

Lecture 11: Beta-Migratory Insertion
Lecture 12: Beta-Elimination Reaction
Lecture 13: Alpha-Abstraction & Beta-Abstraction
Lecture 14: 4-Center Reactions [2+2] Reactions
Lecture 15: External Attack by a Ligand & Reductive Coupling

Week 4:

Lecture 16: Hydrogenation Reaction
Lecture 17: Hydrogenation Reaction [Dihydride Catalyst]
Lecture 18: Stereoselective Hydrogenation Reaction
Lecture 19: Carbonylation Reaction [1.Monsanto Acetic Acid Process 2.Hydroformylation 3.Hydrocarboxylation]
Lecture 20: Carbonylation Reaction [1.Hydroformylation 2.Hydrocarboxylation 3.Hydrocyanation]

  • Provider:Swayam
  • Certificate:Paid Certificate Available
  • Language:English
  • Duration:4 weeks long
  • Language CC:

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