React: Creating and Hosting a Full-Stack Site

  • 2-3 hours worth of material
  • LinkedIn Learning
  • English
React: Creating and Hosting a Full-Stack Site

Course Overview

Learn how to combine React, Node.js, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) in a full-stack, full-featured website.

Course Circullum

  • React for full-stack solutions
  • What you should know
  • Installing Node.js and npm
1. Creating a React Front End
  • Why React?
  • Setting up a React project
  • Creating the app component
  • Creating blog pages
  • Using react-router links
  • URL parameters with react-router
  • Creating and linking the articles list
  • Making the articles list modular
  • Creating a 404 page in React
2. Creating a Node Back End
  • Why Node.js?
  • Setting up an Express server
  • Testing an Express server with Postman
  • Route parameters in Express
  • Upvoting articles
  • Automatically updating with nodemon
  • Adding comments functionality
  • Adding comments
3. Setting Up MongoDB
  • Why MongoDB?
  • Installing MongoDB
  • Adding MongoDB to Express
  • Rewriting the upvote endpoint
  • Rewriting the comments endpoint
4. Connecting the Front and Back Ends
  • The Fetch API
  • Adding React hooks
  • Calling useEffect at the right time
  • Adding Fetch to pages
  • Displaying comments
  • Adding an Upvote button
  • Adding an Add Comment form, part 1
  • Adding an Add Comment form, part 2
  • Adding an Add Comment form, part 3
5. Hosting the Site
  • Preparing the app for release
  • Pushing code to GitHub
  • Creating and SSHing into an AWS instance
  • Setting up an AWS instance
  • Running a full-stack app on AWS
  • AWS resource teardown
  • Next steps
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This Course Include:
  • React for full-stack solutions
  • What you should know
  • Installing Node.js and npm
1. Creating a React Front End
  • Why React?
  • Setting up a React project
  • Creating the app component
  • Creating blog pages
  • Using react-router links
  • URL parameters with react-router
  • Creating and linking the articles list
  • Making the articles list modular
  • Creating a 404 page in React
2. Creating a Node Back End
  • Why Node.js?
  • Setting up an Express server
  • Testing an Express server with Postman
  • Route parameters in Express
  • Upvoting articles
  • Automatically updating with nodemon
  • Adding comments functionality
  • Adding comments
3. Setting Up MongoDB
  • Why MongoDB?
  • Installing MongoDB
  • Adding MongoDB to Express
  • Rewriting the upvote endpoint
  • Rewriting the comments endpoint
4. Connecting the Front and Back Ends
  • The Fetch API
  • Adding React hooks
  • Calling useEffect at the right time
  • Adding Fetch to pages
  • Displaying comments
  • Adding an Upvote button
  • Adding an Add Comment form, part 1
  • Adding an Add Comment form, part 2
  • Adding an Add Comment form, part 3
5. Hosting the Site
  • Preparing the app for release
  • Pushing code to GitHub
  • Creating and SSHing into an AWS instance
  • Setting up an AWS instance
  • Running a full-stack app on AWS
  • AWS resource teardown
  • Next steps
  • Provider:LinkedIn Learning
  • Certificate:Certificate Available
  • Language:English
  • Duration:2-3 hours worth of material
  • Language CC:

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