Using Communication-Focused Activities in Designated English as a New Language Lessons (New York)

  • 1
  • NovoEd
  • English
Using Communication-Focused Activities in Designated English as a New Language Lessons (New York)

Course Overview

The New York Common Core contains many elements requiring active use of language, as students are expected to engage in explanation and reasoning as they go about their learning. This poses a challenge for all students, but especially for ELLs who come to our schools with diverse backgrounds — they are a heterogeneous group. Addressing this challenge for ELLs requires systemic change from the classroom, to the school, to the district. This short course looks closely at the major components of the Blueprint for ELL Success and Part 154-2 in the context of research and New York State schools and districts. It focuses on how to design and teach lessons saturated with communication, and, where needed, develop grammar and vocabulary to support communication.


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Free Online Course

This Course Include:
  • Provider:NovoEd
  • Certificate:Not Avalible
  • Language:English
  • Duration:
  • Language CC:

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