• 0
  • 12 weeks long
  • Swayam
  • English
Work System Design

Course Overview

Work System Design deals with the systematic examination of the methods of doing work with an aim of finding the means of effective and efficient use of resources and setting up of standards of performance for the work being carried out. The systematic examination of work involves what is done? And how it is done? As well as what is the standard time to do the work? This is required to have an in-depth analysis of all the elements, factors, resources and relationships affecting the efficiency and effectiveness of the work being studied. The course also aims at scientifically establishing the time required for a qualified worker to carry out a work element at a defined rate of working. Ergonomic aspects of work system design are also included in the course contents. The scope of this course is not only limited to the manufacturing applications but it is also relevant for service sector industry.INTENDED AUDIENCE : All Engineering Students and FacultyPREREQUISITES : NilINDUSTRY SUPPORT : All the industries using work system theory to improve their productivity and effectiveness.

Course Circullum

Week 1 : Work System Design: Introduction,Introduction and Concept of Productivity, Measurement of Productivity, Productivity Measures, Productivity
Measurement ModelsWeek 2 : Factors Influencing Productivity, Causes of Low Productivity, Productivity Measurement Models, Productivity Improvement Techniques,
Numerical Problems on productivity, Case study on productivity.
Week 3 : Work Study: Basic Concept, Steps Involved in Work Study, Concept of Work Content, , Techniques of Work Study, Human Aspects of Work Study
Week 4 : Method Study: Basic Concept, Steps Involved in Method Study, Recording Techniques, Operation Process Charts, Operation Process Charts:
Week 5 : Flow Process Charts, Flow Process Charts: Examples, Two-Handed-Process Charts, Multiple Activity Charts, Flow Diagrams.
Week 6 : String Diagrams, Principles of Motion Economy, Micro-Motion Study, Therbligs, SIMO Charts
Week 7 : Memo-Motion Study, Cycle graph and Chrono-Cycle Graph, Critical Examination Techniques, Development and Selection of New Method,
Installation and Maintenance of Improved Methods.
Week 8 : Work Measurement: Basic Concept, Techniques of Work Measurement, Steps Involved in Time Study, Steps and Equipment of Time Study,
Performance Rating.
Week 9 : Performance Rating: Examples, Allowances, Computation of Standard Time-I, Computation of Standard Time-II, Case Study
Week 10 : Work Sampling: Basics, Procedure of Work Sampling Study, Numerical Problems on work sampling, Introduction to Synthetic Data and PMTS,
Introduction to MTM and MOST
Week 11 : Ergonomics: Basic Concept, Industrial Ergonomics, Ergonomics: Anthropometry, Man-Machine System-1 , Man-Machine System-2
Week 12 : Case Study: Office Chair, Case Study: Tower Crane Cabin, Case Study: Car Seat, Case Study: Computer System, Case Study: Assembly Line
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This Course Include:
Week 1 : Work System Design: Introduction,Introduction and Concept of Productivity, Measurement of Productivity, Productivity Measures, Productivity
Measurement ModelsWeek 2 : Factors Influencing Productivity, Causes of Low Productivity, Productivity Measurement Models, Productivity Improvement Techniques,
Numerical Problems on productivity, Case study on productivity.
Week 3 : Work Study: Basic Concept, Steps Involved in Work Study, Concept of Work Content, , Techniques of Work Study, Human Aspects of Work Study
Week 4 : Method Study: Basic Concept, Steps Involved in Method Study, Recording Techniques, Operation Process Charts, Operation Process Charts:
Week 5 : Flow Process Charts, Flow Process Charts: Examples, Two-Handed-Process Charts, Multiple Activity Charts, Flow Diagrams.
Week 6 : String Diagrams, Principles of Motion Economy, Micro-Motion Study, Therbligs, SIMO Charts
Week 7 : Memo-Motion Study, Cycle graph and Chrono-Cycle Graph, Critical Examination Techniques, Development and Selection of New Method,
Installation and Maintenance of Improved Methods.
Week 8 : Work Measurement: Basic Concept, Techniques of Work Measurement, Steps Involved in Time Study, Steps and Equipment of Time Study,
Performance Rating.
Week 9 : Performance Rating: Examples, Allowances, Computation of Standard Time-I, Computation of Standard Time-II, Case Study
Week 10 : Work Sampling: Basics, Procedure of Work Sampling Study, Numerical Problems on work sampling, Introduction to Synthetic Data and PMTS,
Introduction to MTM and MOST
Week 11 : Ergonomics: Basic Concept, Industrial Ergonomics, Ergonomics: Anthropometry, Man-Machine System-1 , Man-Machine System-2
Week 12 : Case Study: Office Chair, Case Study: Tower Crane Cabin, Case Study: Car Seat, Case Study: Computer System, Case Study: Assembly Line
  • Provider:Swayam
  • Certificate:Paid Certificate Available
  • Language:English
  • Duration:12 weeks long
  • Language CC:

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