Showing 1-10 of 24

(HE) Designing and Teaching for Impact in Online Courses

By Indiana University via Canvas Network
  • English
  • 2 hours a week

Free Online Course

Managerial Accounting and Corporate Control

By Brian P. Miller via edX
  • English
  • 12 weeks long, 8-12 hours a week

Free Online Course (Audit)

Taxes and Decision Making

By Greg Geisler via edX
  • English
  • 12 weeks long, 8-12 hours a week

Free Online Course (Audit)

Financial Reporting I

By Ken Merkley via edX
  • English
  • 12 weeks long, 8-12 hours a week

Free Online Course (Audit)

Master’s Degree in Accounting

By Indiana University via edX
  • English


Becoming a People Manager: Taking Charge with Care

By Brenda Bailey-Hughes, Ray Luther, Timothy Baldwin and Tatiana Kolovou via edX
  • English
  • 4 weeks long, 2-3 hours a week

Free Online Course (Audit)

Developing Your Personal Leadership Style

By Brenda Bailey-Hughes, Ray Luther, Timothy Baldwin and Tatiana Kolovou via edX
  • English
  • 4 weeks long, 2-3 hours a week

Free Online Course (Audit)

Effective Management and Communication

By Brenda Bailey-Hughes, Timothy Baldwin, Ray Luther and Tatiana Kolovou via edX
  • English
  • 4 weeks long, 2-3 hours a week

Free Online Course (Audit)

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