Showing 101-110 of 491

Configuration Management for Containerized Delivery

By Marcel de Vries and Loek Duys via edX
  • English
  • 4 weeks long, 2-4 hours a week

Free Online Course (Audit)

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment

By Tarun Arora via edX
  • English
  • 4 weeks long, 2-4 hours a week

Free Online Course (Audit)

Infrastructure as Code

By Tarun Arora via edX
  • English
  • 4 weeks long, 2-4 hours a week

Free Online Course (Audit)

DevOps for Developers: How to Get Started

By Lei Ma and Steven Borg via edX
  • English
  • 4 weeks long, 2-3 hours a week

Free Online Course (Audit)

Introduce DevOps Dojo: Create efficiencies that support your business

By Microsoft via Microsoft Learn
  • English
  • 2 hours worth of material

Free Online Course

Improve your reliability with modern operations practices

By Microsoft via Microsoft Learn
  • English
  • 2-3 hours worth of material

Free Online Course

Accelerate Software Delivery using DevOps

By Sam Guckenheimer, Steven Borg and Lei Ma via edX
  • English
  • 5 weeks long, 2-3 hours a week

Free Online Course (Audit)

Building Cloud Apps with Microsoft Azure - Part 1 (self-paced)

By Rick Anderson and Tom Dykstra via edX
  • English
  • 4 weeks long

Free Online Course (Audit)

Developing AI Vision Apps Using Microsoft Cognitive Services

By Scott Peterson via edX
  • English
  • 5 weeks long, 3-4 hours a week

Free Online Course (Audit)

Applied Machine Learning

By Microsoft via edX
  • English
  • 6 weeks long, 3-4 hours a week

Free Online Course (Audit)

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