Showing 11-20 of 68
  • Spanish
  • 7 weeks long, 3 hours a week

Free Online Course

  • Spanish
  • 6 weeks long, 5 hours a week

Free Online Course

  • Spanish
  • 5 weeks long, 3 hours a week

Free Online Course

  • Spanish
  • 8 weeks long, 5 hours a week

Free Online Course

Construcción de Estructuras de Madera de modo tradicional

By David Caballol, Julián García and Fernando Magdalena via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 5 weeks long, 3 hours a week

Free Online Course

Hormigones especiales y sostenibilidad

By Jaime Gálvez and Marcos García Alberti via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 7 weeks long, 5 hours a week

Free Online Course

Introducción a la cooperación de ayuda para el desarrollo en agua y saneamiento

By José Antonio Mancebo Piqueras, Juan manue Orquin casas, Maria Teresa Hernández, Pablo Quesada and Roque Calvo via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 5 weeks long, 3 hours a week

Free Online Course

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