Showing 1-10 of 20
  • Spanish
  • 6 weeks long, 5 hours a week

Free Online Course

Introducción al Machine Learning

By Fernando Hernández via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 4 weeks long, 5 hours a week

Free Online Course

Introdução ao empreendedorismo tecnológico

By Mariana Nissen and Yesmariana Gómez via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 4 weeks long, 3 hours a week

Free Online Course

Leadership for Change / Liderazgo en tiempos de cambio

By Bernardo Quinn and David Freire via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 5 weeks long, 2 hours a week

Free Online Course

Gestão de projetos com metodologias ágeis e abordagem Lean

By Antonio Herranz via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 8 weeks long, 5 hours a week

Free Online Course

Gestión de proyectos con metodologías Ágiles y enfoques Lean.

By David Gómez Rodríguez, Israel Alcázar Rodríguez and Noemí Vico García via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 8 weeks long, 5 hours a week

Free Online Course

Growth Hacking

By Universitas Telefónica via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 6 weeks long, 5 hours a week

Free Online Course

Analítica Web

By Diego Collado Ramos via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 6 weeks long, 5 hours a week

Free Online Course

Marketing Digital

By Jorge Pinilla via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 6 weeks long, 5 hours a week

Free Online Course

Habilidades para el Empleo. ¡Marca la diferencia en tu carrera profesional!

By Universitas Telefónica via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 6 weeks long, 5 hours a week

Free Online Course

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