Showing 451-500 of 586
  • Spanish
  • 8 weeks long, 30 hours a week

Free Online Course

  • Spanish
  • 7 weeks long, 3 hours a week

Free Online Course

Electricidad: conceptos básicos y aplicaciones

By Ernesto Pereda de Pablo via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 7 weeks long, 3 hours a week

Free Online Course

  • Spanish
  • 6 weeks long, 5 hours a week

Free Online Course

  • Spanish
  • 8 weeks long, 3 hours a week

Free Online Course

Introduction to Sustainable Construction

By Elena Blanco Fernández via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 5 weeks long, 4 hours a week

Free Online Course

Curves in Engineering and Architecture/ Las Curvas en Ingeniería y Arquitectura - Consulta

By Universidad Politécnica de Madrid via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 9 weeks long, 5 hours a week

Free Online Course

Diseñando puentes al futuro: Introducción al diseño y construcción de puentes

By Jose Antonio Lozano Galant and Santos Sánchez-Cambronero via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 10 weeks long, 4 hours a week

Free Online Course

Diseño geométrico asistido por ordenador

By via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 6 weeks long

Free Online Course

Introducción a la Mecánica Estructural

By via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 8 weeks long

Free Online Course

Eficiencia Energética en Edificaciones

By Ana Lepure, Edith Bayer, Fernando Branger and Maxine Jordan via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 6 weeks long, 6 hours a week

Free Online Course

Fibre Reinforced Concrete for Structural Applications

By Alejandro Enfedaque, Jaime Gálvez and Marcos García Alberti via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 7 weeks long, 7 hours a week

Free Online Course

Basic English terminology for building and civil engineering construction

By Ana Casaravilla, Joaquín Santiago, Maria Aurora Florez de la Colina and Trinidad Fernández Pérez via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 5 weeks long, 4 hours a week

Free Online Course

Robots y Videojuegos en las aulas: Scratch y Arduino para profesores

By Marco Antonio Rodriguez Fernandez via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 6 weeks long, 4 hours a week

Free Online Course

  • Spanish
  • 8 weeks long, 5 hours a week

Free Online Course

El abordaje multidisciplinar de las demencias

By Ana Pozueta Cantudo and Carmen María Sarabia Cobo via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 8 weeks long, 2 hours a week

Free Online Course

Zoonosis Parasitarias

By Jesús Cardells Peris via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 8 weeks long

Free Online Course

Los parásitos en los alimentos: tan pequeños y desconocidos como dañinos

By Antonio Marcilla Diaz, Fernando Cantalapiedra Garcia, Maria Teresa Galán Puchades and Màrius Vicent Fuentes i Ferrer via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 8 weeks long, 3 hours a week

Free Online Course

  • Spanish
  • 5 weeks long, 5 hours a week

Free Online Course

Enfermedades transfronterizas de los animales

By via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 6 weeks long

Free Online Course

  • Spanish
  • 6 weeks long, 5 hours a week

Free Online Course

Asma en niños. La epidemia del siglo XXI.

By Eduardo Gonzalez Perez-Yarza via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 6 weeks long, 6 hours a week

Free Online Course

Telecomunicaciones para mentes brillantes

By Alejandro Mendoza Puig via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 4 weeks long, 4 hours a week

Free Online Course

Fundamentos de mecánica para estudiar ingeniería

By via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 6 weeks long

Free Online Course

  • Spanish
  • 5 weeks long, 4 hours a week

Free Online Course

Curso Práctico de Sistema de Información Geográfica sobre Software Libre

By Laura Vargas Kostiuk, Maria Jesus García García, María Jesús Rosado García and Ramón Argüelles via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 6 weeks long, 8 hours a week

Free Online Course

TecGEO.ORG: MOOC de Infra-estruturas de Dados Espaciais e Inteligência Geoespacial

By Fernando Gil, Marco Painho, Rui Pedro Juliao and Tiago Humberto Moreira de Oliveira via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 4 weeks long, 11 hours a week

Free Online Course

  • Spanish
  • 8 weeks long, 5 hours a week

Free Online Course

Fortalecimiento efectivo y saludable de la musculatura abdominal y lumbar

By Pedro Ángel López Miñarro via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 12 weeks long, 3 hours a week

Free Online Course

Los Relojes de tu Vida

By Marta Garaulet Aza via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 10 weeks long, 1 hour a week

Free Online Course

Postura Corporal: Implicaciones en ámbito escolar

By Pedro Ángel López Miñarro via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 8 weeks long, 2 hours a week

Free Online Course

  • Spanish
  • 6 weeks long, 5 hours a week

Free Online Course

  • Spanish
  • 5 weeks long, 5 hours a week

Free Online Course

Nutrición y Alimentación Saludable

By Beatriz Robles Martínez via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 5 weeks long, 3 hours a week

Free Online Course

  • Spanish
  • 4 weeks long, 5 hours a week

Free Online Course

¿Cómo implementar programas para reducir la desnutrición crónica infantil? Un enfoque multisectorial para América Latina

By Andrea Rousset, Cecilia Montes-Jave, Dilberth Cordero and Luis Cordero via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 5 weeks long, 6 hours a week

Free Online Course

Triunfa con SEP: El modelo para mejorar la salud, los negocios y la vida

By Steven MacGregor, Joaquín Azcue and Rory Simpson via Miríadax
  • Spanish
  • 8 weeks long, 10 hours a week

Free Online Course

  • Spanish
  • 8 weeks long, 6 hours a week

Free Online Course

  • Spanish
  • 4 weeks long, 2 hours a week

Free Online Course

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